Advanced Search

Content Types



Use this clause type to include or exclude certain terms or keywords. You can also specify where you'd like those terms to appear and how specific the search results are with regards to the terms.

You can put quotation marks around groups of two or more words to search for those phrases. For example, searching for "Microsoft excel" and "Microsoft windows" searches for both of those two-word phrases, instead of searching for Microsoft excel windows.


Select how you'd like your search results to be sorted.


Select how many search results you'd like to see displayed on each page.


Select whether you'd like to see your search results displayed with details or as a list.

Advanced Search Help

Use Advanced Search to create a detailed search to find exactly what you're looking for.

Start by selecting which content types (question, project, article, video) you'd like to see in your results, and then begin adding clauses to your search.

To add a clause, click add next to the kind of clause you want to include.

You can remove a clause by clicking remove on the clause.

All clauses that are displayed when you perform your search will be included in the search criteria. The results returned will match all search clauses.

Hover over the i icon next to the clause types to see how to use each one.